Your BAC Will Be Shown Here

This calculator shows your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level

How To Use

  1. Enter the number of drinks you drink. It can be one drink or several. If there are several drinks, the calculator sums them up.
  2. Then enter your weight (approximate), gender, and the time in hours since you last consumed.
  3. Click CALCULATE and that’s it!

Please, keep in mind:

BAC limits for Adults and Minors are not the same!

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits for minors laws ban youth under the age of 21 from driving with a blood alcohol content above measurable levels (usually 0.010.02 compared to 0.08 for adults).

Even a 0.01 BAC Increases Accident Risk!

A blood alcohol content (BAC) as low as 0.01% raises the risk of causing a fatal car crash, says a new study from UC San Diego. According to researchers, a BAC of exactly 0.01% increases the risk of being the sole reason for a fatal accident compared with a sober driver also involved in the crash.

The following are several factors that influence your BAC:

  • Age – As you grow older, the intoxicating impact of alcohol increases.
  • Gender – Alcohol is readily soluble in water. Women, on average, have a lower proportion of water in their bodies than males, so if they consume alcohol at the same rate as men of comparable age and weight, they typically reach a higher BAC. 
  • Rate of Consumption – The higher your BAC, the quicker you’ll be intoxicated.
  • Body Type – The more water you have in your body, the more diluted the alcohol you consume becomes. That’s why heavier individuals require additional beverages to “keep up” with their lighter friends.
  • Medications – Alcohol interacts negatively with a variety of medicines, including cold or allergy tablets and prescription medications.
  • Food – If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, your BAC will be higher than that of someone who has eaten.
  • Diabetes – People who have diabetes and drink alcohol may experience hypoglycemia as a result of altered glucose levels.